Don't forget to like iShareWorld on Facebook, follow iShareWorld Twitter and subscribe iShareWorld YouTube channel. Any suggestions? Tell us! ** Don't forget to like iShareWorld on Facebook, follow iShareWorld Twitter and subscribe iShareWorld YouTube channel. Any suggestions? Tell us! **
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Q : How do I contact iShareWorld?
A : Below are the list :-

Q : There's broken link, I can't download the file. What should I do?
A : Due to certain circumstances, the download link may be broken and can't be access. Please do report immediately and we'll re-upload it again as soon as we can. 

Q : I have a request. Can we make a request?
A : We do accept request but on certain conditions. We might have the problem to download and re-upload based on the internet connection. Plus, we'll consider the request based on majority too.Support us by donating and promote the iShareWorld.

Q : I can't play the split parts (.001, 0.02, ect). What should I do?
A : You need to combine the splits part with HJ-Split first.

Q : How to combine the split parts (.001, 0.02, etc)?
A : To combine the split part, simply use the HJ-Split. After download HJ-Split, press 'Join' button. It will show you the rest of the process.